Compare Sauerkraut with Pickled Persian Cucumbers
You might not expect it at first glance, but Trader Joe’s Sauerkraut with Pickled Persian Cucumbers is a paragon of pickling innovation and tradition. The innovation? We’ve added pickles – Persian Cucumbers, to be exact. We’ve sliced them into thin rounds, lending extra texture to the kraut and providing just a little yummy pickle flavor. The tradition? This is Sauerkraut like your great grandma used to make. That means all-natural fermentation. No vinegar added. No lab cultures to kick-start the process. No cooking or pasteurization. It’s just raw cabbage and cucumbers with some sea salt and garlic. The salt draws water from the fruit and veggies (cucumbers = fruit; cabbage = veg) creating brine in which ‘good’ bacteria convert carbs into lactic acid, a natural preservative that inhibits ‘bad’ bacteria growth. That lactic acid is also behind the tart and tangy flavor (more subtle than vinegary versions) and the extra crispy crunch of our cabbage-cuke blend. Top your Organic Beef Hot Dogs. Build a better Reuben. Mix it with grated carrots and red onion for a swell slaw. Consider it a ready-made side salad. Like great grandma used to say, “If you’re in a pickle, stay cool as a cucumber and reach for the fermented cabbage.” She never said that? Are you sure?