Tofu Sheets
Trader Joes
Tofu Sheets
From traderjoes

Trader Joes
Tofu Sheets
From traderjoes
Size: 6.35 Oz
Trader Joe’s Tofu Sheets aren’t technically tofu—at least not in the traditional sense. They’re what’s known throughout Asia as yuba, a.k.a. the delicate “tofu skin” that forms atop soy milk when heated on a stovetop. Like tofu, yuba is incredibly mild and takes on the flavor of whatever it’s cooked with, making Trader Joe’s Tofu Sheets the perfect protein to add to everything from curries and stir-fries to soups and stews.
Made for us in Malaysia, Trader Joe’s Tofu Sheets are the very same sheets used in our perennially popular Vegan Thai Green Curry. The Sheets come conveniently frozen; simply cut the corner of the pouch they come in, then heat it in the microwave for 21⁄2 minutes, and you’re ready to rock ‘n roll. (And we do mean “roll” in the literal sense, as Tofu Sheets make great wrappers for veggie rolls, rice rolls, and more!)