Mon-Sat: 10am -9pm
Sun: 12-6pm

Mountain High Outfitters Coat Drive

Donate a coat at Mountain High Outfitters, October 19-November 8 and receive 20% off a brand new coat!

One Warm Coat

Give a Coat


Share the Warmth


Donate your gently worn coat here or at any Brooks Brothers store and help an individual in need.


Now through November 16,2019


Brooks Brothers is proud to partner with One Warm Coat.

Magic Moments Day 2019

Since 1984, Magic Moments has brought joy to the lives of over 4,800 children in Alabama suffering from chronic, life-threatening illnesses.


Alabama Governor Kay Ivey has declared October 21, 2019 as Magic Moments Day to help celebrate our 35th anniversary. We have partnered with organizations all over the state to bring awareness to our mission.


The Summit Stores & Restaurants Participating:

J. McLaughlin

Kendra Scott

Lilly Pulitzer

Gus Mayer

Shake Shack

Taco Mama

Frutta Bowls

Cub Scout Popcorn Sale @ Belk

The popcorn sale is not just about selling popcorn…It’s also about promoting Scouting!


Every Scout should learn the value of hard work and earning their own way. The popcorn sale has been the perfect opportunity to teach this valuable life lesson. More than 70% of the popcorn sale supports their programs and local Scouting!

Blood Drive + Movie Ticket

Let’s roll up a sleeve together to ensure all our local patients in need this summer have their right-type blood available!


Our Blood Drive at The Summit is on Thursday, June 27 from 10 AM-3 PM. Located on the 2nd floor of the office building (RSM) which is above Chuy’s. All donors will receive one (1) movie ticket, valid at the AMC Theatre.


Appointments appreciated, but walk-ins welcomed – Click Here to schedule your preferred time!

Give Shoes Give Love at Brighton

Donate your gently worn shoes to your local Brighton retailer to help children and adults in need.


More than 300 million people worldwide are without a single pair of shoes – leaving them vulnerable to injuies and infections, yet every year, millions of shoes are thrown away in landfills. Please join with Brighton as we partner with Soles4Souls, a wonderful charity that collects new and gently-worn shoes (men’s, women’s, and children’s) and distributes them worldwide.


Learn more here.